Mr. and Mrs. T’s world revolves around their family. The couple has been married since 1963 and has lived in their Oklahoma City home for over 53 years. Rosie dedicated her life to family, raising 8 children in this home. She has always loved children and wanted to have a big family just like the one she grew up in. Her favorite times are when her house is full of children.
Rosie met Bob at church in Louisiana when she was just a teenager. They married and moved to Oklahoma City to be close to Bob’s sister. Bob began his career in Oklahoma City working for the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. He then started his own roofing business, working over 25 years in the construction industry. Unfortunately, he was forced to retire due to health issues.
Rosie also suffers from deteriorating health issues. As a diabetic, she has lost some hearing and sight. Rosie also has rheumatic fever. After having her third child, the doctors told Rosie that she couldn’t have anymore. Miraculously, Rosie had five more children, her last baby being born when Rosie was 43-years-old. Today she and Bob have 25 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
Rosie mentioned that she has only worked one day in her entire life. When her oldest son was three, Rosie took a job to help supplement income. She put her son in day care while she went to work. The day care worker told Rosie that her son cried the entire day. Rosie just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her son and she never went back to work again. Being a full-time mother was her calling.
The family enjoys attending church activities and going out to eat together. “We are almost too old to have fun,” Ms. Rosie said. Bob and Rosie enjoy having their grandkids over to stay. The family still celebrates birthdays and holidays together each year filling up the home.