The Rebuilding Together OKC Ramp Team, also known as the A Team, builds one wheel chair ramp per week for an elderly client. Our Ramp Team is composed of several retired handymen, who have a desire to make a difference in their community. In the past, each week these men would rent equipment needed to construct wooden wheel chair ramps. With the ability to complete that many projects in one year, the A Team worked more quickly than their budget allowed.
Tim Reardon, Rebuilding Together OKC’s Program Manager, sought additional ways to support the Ramp Team, so that they could continue their work. This spring, Tim, along with members of the ramp building crew, drafted a list of needed tools and supplies used on a weekly basis by the Ramp Team. This needs list was sent to local Lowe’s and Home Depot stores asking for donations.
Over the past several months, Lowe’s and Home Depot have come through for the Ramp Team donating various tools the team could cross off the list. This week, the team had their biggest need met! The A Team was given a brand new auger. The auger purchase was made possible through a grant from the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma. The auger is a drilling device used to dig large holes for setting ramp posts. An auger, worth thousands of dollars, allows these handymen to work more efficiently when building ramps. Our Ramp Team now has one of their very own!
Having an auger will save Rebuilding Together OKC hundreds of dollars each year. “It will save us $56 for every ramp that we build,” said Tim. This is money the Ramp Team previously used to rent an auger each week. Now, this additional income can be used to meet more needs of low-income senior citizens.
Thank you Lowe’s and Home Depot for helping us keep our clients safe, warm and dry!
Watch the video below to learn more about the Ramp Team’s auger!