Our elderly homeowners are in desperate need. The clients we serve live in homes with severe tripping hazards, unsecure doors and windows, and floors caving in. Rebuilding Together OKC is committed to keeping these seniors safe, warm and dry, but we need your help!
We are seeking volunteers with home repair skills, or a willingness to learn new skills, to assist our homeowners with these projects. We have bathroom floors that need to be replaced, doors to be installed, small electrical and plumbing repairs to take care of, all those little things that our volunteers are so good at doing.
We have served our homeowners since 1992 thanks to the generosity and giving spirit of our volunteers. Without you we would not exist. Join us for a skilled project as we continue to make a difference in the lives of our elderly neighbors!
If you are interested working with our homeowners on some of these projects let us know by emailing Tim@rebuildingtogetherokc.org!