Ms. Eunice R is a woman of action. She has spent her entire life serving others through various jobs and volunteerism. “I just can’t help but be active,” she told me. This mother of three and community activist has always called OKC home.
In 2002, Ms. R retired from her position as secretary at Oklahoma City Public Schools. She says she met so many fabulous kids at the school where she worked for more than 20 years!
Retirement didn’t stop her from staying involved in the community. As a single woman, Eunice continued working part-time with the state of Oklahoma for the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and part-time with a rehabilitation center, Eagle Ridge, as a receptionist.
Unfortunately in 2011, Eunice had to retire from these two positions due to her health. But neither did this setback stop her from serving! She currently volunteers as secretary of the Edwards Neighborhood Association, which meets every quarter. Ms. R takes pride in her community. “Edwards was the first all-black community built by blacks for blacks,” she informed me. At her church, Tabitha Baptist, Eunice is active in the compassionate care ministry. She also serves on a political action committee and is a member of the Georgia Brown Federation of Democratic Women.
Through the Federation of Democratic Women, Ms. R helps register voters, hosts forums and assists with campaigns for local and national elections. This organization was highly involved with the recent presidential election and will take a group to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Eunice would love to visit D.C. but doesn’t get the chance to go this time. She will, however, participate in the MLK Parade in OKC.
In her free time, Ms. R enjoys reading books, cooking new dishes to share with her children and spending time with her cat “Beauty.” Eunice believes that she didn’t adopt Beauty, but Beauty adopted her. When her next door neighbor passed away, Beauty moved herself to Ms. R’s home where she has lived ever since.